Project Manager 360 Feedback Questionnaire

Project Manager 360 Feedback Questionnaire

Some specific roles require more specific competencies.

As well as including some of the competencies from our Competency Framework, our Project Manager 360 feedback questionnaire also includes some quite specific competencies.

This questionnaire is ideal for use with people who are required to manage projects – even if their job title is not ‘Project Manager.’

The competencies assessed

The world of work has changed. There are many competency frameworks which have been developed over the years.

The Progress International Competency Framework has been developed from our years of experience in designing and working with competencies – and knowing what works and shaping what doesn’t.

Project Manager 360 Feedback Questionnaire
Project People
Project Planning
Project Process
Post Project

In addition to the 4 specialist competences above, 8 further competences from the Progress International Competence Framework, complete this assessment.

They are:

Resource Focus

Results Focus

Leadership Focus

Creativity Focus

Analytical Thinking

Customer Focus

Professional Development

Innovation and Change

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Explore our Project Manager 360 Feedback Questionnaire

The 4 specialist competencies for our Project Manager 360 Feedback Questionnaire are:

Project People Focus

Works with others to plan the project and ensure buy in; manages and assigns resources and work appropriately; defines roles and responsibilities and monitors progress; fosters an environment of creativity and collaboration; treats people fairly by maintaining consistent values and performance standards.

Scored questions

  1. Engages stakeholders early in the planning process to get their buy in and support
  2. Manages project meetings effectively
  3. Assigns work to appropriate team members, agreeing clear objectives
  4. Monitors individuals activities, ensures timely completion and provides constructive feedback on performance
  5. Defines clear project roles, responsibilities and reporting relationships within the team
  6. Fosters an environment of creativity, openness, and collaboration among team members and stakeholders
  7. Treats people fairly by maintaining consistent values and performance standards

Free text question

  1. Can you provide examples of their behaviour, actions or performance that would support your responses in this area?

Project Planning Focus

Develops and communicates a business case for the project and outlines the extents and limits of the project; presents complex issues clearly; sets and communicates SMART objectives; plans using a structured approach that is visible; identifies and effectively manages resource requirements providing constructive feedback where necessary; assesses the impact of the project on the organisation.

Scored questions

  1. Develops and communicates a business case for the project that identifies and analyses costs, benefits and risks
  2. Presents complex issues clearly, credibly and effectively to stakeholders
  3. Develops a written scope statement outlining the extents and limits of the project
  4. Sets and communicates SMART objectives for project success
  5. Plans projects using a structured approach that is visible to team and stakeholders
  6. Identifies and effectively manages resource requirements
  7. Creates a coherent, consistent project plan that takes into account all aspects of the project including activities, timelines, risk and resource requirements

Free text question

  1. Can you provide examples of their behaviour, actions or performance that would support your responses in this area?

Project Process Focus

Communicates a project monitoring and evaluation methodology to the team; determines the information and communication needs of stakeholders; provides timely updates and compares status to forecasts; monitors risk warnings and events, adjusting project plan when required; manages the communication of changes to the project plan.

Scored questions

  1. Communicates a project monitoring and evaluation methodology to the team and stakeholders before the project launch
  2. Determines the information and communication needs of stakeholders: who needs what information, when they need it and how it should be provided
  3. Provides timely written and verbal updates on the progress of the project plan
  4. Compares present status to forecasts and warns stakeholders if changes will affect them
  5. Monitors risk warnings and events; responding as early as possible
  6. Adjusts project plan, when required, to respond to changes in the organisation’s requirements or other factors
  7. Manages and communicates changes to the project plan in a timely and effective manner

Free text question

  1. Can you provide examples of their behaviour, actions or performance that would support your responses in this area?

Post Project Focus

Evaluates how the project was delivered; assesses own and each individual team members performance; seeks feedback from stakeholders and team members; ensures that learning from each project is shared within the organisation and contributes to the development of best practice guidance.

Scored questions

  1. Evaluates how the project was delivered: projections v actual with the team
  2. Assesses own and each individual team members performance on each project
  3. Actively seeks feedback from stakeholders and team members
  4. Ensures that learning from each project is shared within the organisation
  5. Contributes to the development of best practice guidance
  6. Provides constructive feedback on performance to the team and stakeholders
  7. Assesses the impact of the project on the organisation

Free text question

  1. Can you provide examples of their behaviour, actions or performance that would support your responses in this area?

The 8 additional competence themes from the Progress International Competence Framework, that complete this assessment are:

Results Focus

Understands what results are important, and focuses resources to achieve them. Delivers financial targets and achieves agreed performance indicators, contributes to the success of the business. Actively seeks ways to improve results.

Scored questions

  1. Sets challenging and achievable performance targets for self and team
  2. Inspires a ‘can do culture’ in others, providing regular feedback and support
  3. Focuses on improving performance
  4. Takes corrective action when performance is slipping
  5. Recognises good performance and offers praise and recognition
  6. Holds people to account for what they have agreed to deliver

Free text question

  1. Can you provide examples of their behaviour, actions or performance that would support your responses in this area?

Leadership Focus

Sets clear goals and objectives linked to the business’s vision.  Encourages, supports and inspires others to develop confidence, capability and to realise their full potential. Makes timely decisions that deliver the desired outcomes. Demonstrates positive characteristics and behaviours such as resilience, ethics and integrity, creativity and innovation.

Scored questions

  1. Communicates clearly defined vision and objectives to their team
  2. Is a credible and visible leader, accessible to those they lead
  3. Works with the whole organisation in mind and not just their own department
  4. Resolves challenging or difficult issues early
  5. Gives credit where credit is due
  6. Creates an environment that encourages people to state their honest opinions

Free text question

  1. Can you provide examples of their behaviour, actions or performance that would support your responses in this area?

Customer Focus

Meets customer’s needs; is committed to putting customers first; takes responsibility for delivering customer satisfaction; develops productive customer relationships and customer loyalty; delivers a consistently high quality service to external and internal customers

Scored questions

  1. Demonstrates a personal commitment to providing high standards of customer service
  2. Interacts regularly with customers to gain feedback and identify ways to improve services
  3. Communicates to staff the importance of developing and sustaining high levels of customer service
  4. Analyses customers short and long term requirements and develop appropriate solutions.
  5. Regularly measures and evaluates customers satisfaction and feedback
  6. Manages customer complaints promptly and effectively, sharing learning with team members to improve customer service standards

Free text question

  1. Can you provide examples of their behaviour, actions or performance that would support your responses in this area?

Professional Development Focus

Evidences a high level of technical and professional skills/knowledge in job related areas; keeping abreast of current developments and trends in area of expertise. Demonstrates commitment to personal and professional development.

Scored questions

  1. Demonstrates commitment to own personal and professional development
  2. Ensures that development needs of partners are identified and delivered in line with strategic and operational objectives
  3. Demonstrates high levels of professional expertise
  4. Shares learning and good practice with colleagues and partners
  5. Identifies appropriate development opportunities for individuals and team members
  6. Uses the appraisal system as a key tool in reviewing performance and identifying development needs and follows through on agreed actions

Free text question

  1. Can you provide examples of their behaviour, actions or performance that would support your responses in this area?

Resource Focus

Manages resource to deliver organisational objectives. Evidences value for money through resource procurement and utilisation. Plans resource development considering environmental impact and green issues.

Scored questions

  1. Uses the agreed budget to actively monitor and control performance for their team or department
  2. Ensures that systems are in place for effective monitoring, measuring and reporting of health and safety performance in their area of responsibility
  3. Identifies and communicates trends and developments that may affect future demand for resources in their area of responsibility
  4. Encourages their team to identify opportunities for, and contribute to, improving environmental performance
  5. Assesses and manages risk
  6. Delegates some resource responsibility to direct reports where appropriate

Free text question

  1. Can you provide examples of their behaviour, actions or performance that would support your responses in this area?

Creativity Focus

Is able to consider new approaches, challenge existing practice, encourage others to explore future vision. Creative thinking involves re-examining traditional strategies and practices, and proactively looking for new ideas and ways to improve products, services, and work processes.

Scored questions

  1. Is able to come up with new ways of doing things that get people thinking
  2. Challenges current thinking to foster innovation
  3. Finds creative solutions to problems
  4. Is able to make progress by looking at things in a new light
  5. Thinks outside existing ways of working to come up with new ideas
  6. Tries things out to seek new and better ways of doing things

Free text question

  1. Can you provide examples of their behaviour, actions or performance that would support your responses in this area?

Analytical Thinking Focus

Challenges established practice and process in order to achieve better results. Analyses data and information to determine the root cause of problems and makes recommendations for solutions. Communicates the implications and risks associated with  problems and opportunities to make them accessible to others.

Scored questions

  1. Challenges established thinking, processes, or protocols with company success in mind
  2. Quickly and systematically analyses the root cause of work related problems before taking corrective action
  3. Recognises and communicates the implications of data/information
  4. Is able to clearly frame a problem, identify and collect the necessary data, and make recommendations for solving the problem
  5. Takes complex issues or problems and breaks them down into manageable components
  6. Understands how data and recommendations may impact other functions and departments

Free text question

  1. Can you provide examples of their behaviour, actions or performance that would support your responses in this area?

Innovation and Change Focus

This competency is about creating new and imaginative approaches to work, demonstrating a willingness to question the way things are done, planning and delivering change. The ability to respond & adapt to changing circumstances and to manage, solve problems and provide solutions in a climate of ambiguity.

Scored questions

  1. Is enthusiastic and positively communicates change and new initiatives
  2. Shows willingness to ‘work around’ difficulties and constraints
  3. Displays that they are open and honest about what needs to change and the implications of change
  4. Demonstrates openness and receptiveness to a wide range of diverse views and perspectives
  5. Provides opportunities and support for their team to express what change means for them and be sensitive to their fears and concerns
  6. Clearly identifies the steps needed to deliver change

Free text question

  1. Can you provide examples of their behaviour, actions or performance that would support your responses in this area?

Qualitative Questions

Free text question

  1. In your view what are this persons key strengths?
  2. In your view what would this person need to stop doing to be a more effective in their role?
  3. What do you believe are this persons 3 key development needs?
  4. What other constructive feedback would you like to provide to this individual?

Our Project Manager 360 Feedback Questionnaire offers a valuable method for developing project managers and those that manage projects through a variety of different lenses. When done well, it not only enhances individual growth but also fosters an open culture where feedback is used constructively to empower individuals and drive organisational success.

To explore our Project Manager 360 Feedback Questionnaire review service call 01252 737536

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