Executive Leader 360 Feedback Questionnaire

Executive Leader 360 Feedback Questionnaire

Executive level managers and leaders play a pivotal role in steering the organisation, shaping its vision, strategy, and objectives. Their focus is not on tactical operations, hence the 360 degree review should mirror this strategic orientation.

In addition, an executive leader is likely to:

  • Be jointly responsible for the design, development and implementation of strategic planning and business planning
  • Ensure that the organisation is compliant with all relevant statutory requirements and that robust governance is in place
  • Review the performance of senior managers
  • Ensure the availability of adequate resources
  • Approve annual budgets
  • Be accountable to stakeholders for organisational performance

The competencies assessed

The Executive Leader 360 Feedback Questionnaire covers the 12 competencies of our Progress International Competency Framework and includes statements (or behavioural indicators) relevant for use with leading an organisation or at the executive manager level.

Executive Leader 360 Feedback Questionnaire

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Explore our Executive Leader 360 Feedback Questionnaire

People Focus

Works with others to deliver results; empowering, motivating and encouraging high quality performance. Creates a climate of support and accountability. Adapts own working style to take account of the needs of others. Team working, support, welfare and wellbeing issues.

Scored questions

  1. Sets clear behavioural standards for the whole organisation
  2. Displays the highest standards of professional and ethical behaviour, to act as a role model for others
  3. Creates a climate of support and accountability throughout the business where employees can safely ask for help
  4. Empowers and motivates all employees to deliver high quality performance
  5. Maintains effective relationships at all levels within the business
  6. Recognises and acknowledges excellent performance in others

Free text question

  1. Can you provide examples of their behaviour, actions or performance that would support your responses in this area?

Results Focus

Understands what results are important, and focuses resources to achieve them. Delivers financial targets and achieves agreed performance indicators, contributes to the success of the business. Actively seeks ways to improve results.

Scored questions

  1. Sets and monitors clear performance goals for the whole organisation
  2. Promotes a high performance culture and actively seeks to improve results by providing constructive feedback and challenge to senior managers
  3. Recognises excellent performance in individuals and teams
  4. Takes decisive action when results are not achieved
  5. Monitors and measures own and executive team performance
  6. Ensures that adequate resources are available to deliver results.

Free text question

  1. Can you provide examples of their behaviour, actions or performance that would support your responses in this area?

Leadership Focus

Sets clear goals and objectives linked to the business’s vision.  Encourages, supports and inspires others to develop confidence, capability and to realise their full potential. Makes timely decisions that deliver the desired outcomes. Demonstrates positive characteristics and behaviours such as resilience, ethics and integrity, creativity and innovation.

Scored questions

  1. Engages with stakeholders to define, review and communicate a clearly defined vision of the future
  2. Encourages, supports and inspires others to realise their full potential
  3. Celebrates success, inspires a culture of trying new things and takes managed risks
  4. Has high visibility within the business and with external audiences
  5. Leads from the front, presenting a highly credible image of leadership that others can aspire to
  6. Takes positive action to drive the business forward, generating motivation, commitment and enthusiasm in others to do the same

Free text question

  1. Can you provide examples of their behaviour, actions or performance that would support your responses in this area?

Communication Focus

Demonstrates the ability to communicate clearly and effectively with a diverse range of people, and takes account of their views. Uses well reasoned arguments to convince and persuade where necessary to achieve the desired outcome

Scored questions

  1. Effectively communicates the organisation’s vision and priorities to stakeholders
  2. Ensures communication is timely and effective within the organisation
  3. Contributes and engages appropriately to meetings and decision making
  4. Demonstrates openness and receptiveness to a wide range of diverse views and perspectives
  5. Displays openness and honesty
  6. Anticipates audience needs, concerns or objections and develops appropriate responses

Free text question

  1. Can you provide examples of their behaviour, actions or performance that would support your responses in this area?

Customer Focus

Meets customer’s needs; is committed to putting customers first; takes responsibility for delivering customer satisfaction; develops productive customer relationships and customer loyalty; delivers a consistently high quality service to external and internal customers

Scored questions

  1. Places the customer at the centre of the organisation’s strategic vision and strategic plans
  2. Demonstrates an in depth understanding of customers’ current and future needs
  3. Ensures that clear customer service standards are developed for all areas of the business
  4. Monitors and reviews the delivery of customer service standards
  5. Evidences commitment to meeting the expectations and needs of all customers
  6. Takes personal responsibility for delivering customer satisfaction

Free text question

  1. Can you provide examples of their behaviour, actions or performance that would support your responses in this area?

Professional Development Focus

Evidences a high level of technical and professional skills/knowledge in job-related areas; keeping abreast of current developments and trends in area of expertise. Demonstrates commitment to personal and professional development.

Scored questions

  1. Demonstrates commitment to own personal and professional development
  2. Evidences knowledge of current developments and trends in their area of professional expertise
  3. Actively develops talent within the organisation
  4. Actively encourages innovation and creativity
  5. Shares own experience and learning with others
  6. Sets direction for development needs in line with vision and strategic plan

Free text question

  1. Can you provide examples of their behaviour, actions or performance that would support your responses in this area?

Resource Focus

Manages resource to deliver organisational objectives. Evidences value for money through resource procurement and utilisation. Plans resource development considering environmental impact and green issues.

Scored questions

  1. Demonstrates a commitment to ensuring that the business’s resource utilisation delivers value for money
  2. Ensures that appropriate resource are available to deliver the vision and strategic goals of the business
  3. Takes responsibility for ensuring that environmental sustainability is integrated within the business’ processes
  4. Ensures that resources needed to recruit, retain and redeploy the workforce are made available
  5. Ensures that the business has a strategy for using technology to support the delivery of its vision, values, objectives and plans
  6. Demonstrates integrity, fairness and consistency in decision-making

Free text question

  1. Can you provide examples of their behaviour, actions or performance that would support your responses in this area?

Personal Management Focus

The reflective leader, emotionally aware, displays resilience in a range of situations, is open and honest, develops relationships and networks, uses own time effectively

Scored questions

  1. Demonstrates awareness of their own strengths and weaknesses
  2. Manages their own emotions and the impact of their behaviour on others
  3. Displays resilience in a range of complex and demanding situations
  4. Displays openness, honesty, inclusiveness and high standards in their role
  5. Creates an environment that encourages people to state their honest opinions
  6. Manages their own time and that of others effectively

Free text question

  1. Can you provide examples of their behaviour, actions or performance that would support your responses in this area?

Creativity Focus

Is able to consider new approaches, challenge existing practice, encourage others to explore future vision. Creative thinking involves re-examining traditional strategies and practices, and proactively looking for new ideas and ways to improve products, services, and work processes.

Scored questions

  1. Celebrates success, inspires a culture of trying new things and taking managed risks
  2. Creates an environment which encourages creative thinking to seek better ways of working
  3. Encourages others to be creative to develop product/service improvements
  4. Displays that they are assertive and confident about challenging current thinking and practice
  5. Solicits input from others who have unique or vastly different perspectives when shaping an idea or plan
  6. Champions new approaches to products, services and process

Free text question

  1. Can you provide examples of their behaviour, actions or performance that would support your responses in this area?

Analytical Thinking Focus

Challenges established practice and process in order to achieve better results. Analyses data and information to determine the root cause of problems and makes recommendations for solutions. Communicates the implications and risks associated with  problems and opportunities to make them accessible to others.

Scored questions

  1. Challenges established ways of working and thinking in the organisation
  2. Ensures that managers have access to accurate, relevant and timely data
  3. Creates a climate where managers are encouraged to debate rational arguments for change and problem solving
  4. Communicates complex issues so that others can understand and contribute to the debate
  5. Analyses a range of data/information sources during decision making
  6. Encourages calculated risk taking to deliver better results

Free text question

  1. Can you provide examples of their behaviour, actions or performance that would support your responses in this area?

Planning and Decision Making Focus

Establishing a course of action for self and/or others to accomplish specific goals; gathering relevant information and data and analysing issues. Making systematic and rational judgements based on relevant information and identifying cause and effect relationships to resolve issues and solve problems.

Scored questions

  1. Makes confident and timely business decisions
  2. Uses a range of data to inform decision making
  3. Clearly communicates the reason for decisions which impact on others
  4. Confidently responds to challenges from others
  5. Ensures that business planning is timely and meaningful at all levels throughout the organisation
  6. Monitors and reviews plans and their outcomes to ensure that they deliver organisational priorities

Free text question

  1. Can you provide examples of their behaviour, actions or performance that would support your responses in this area?

Innovation and Change Focus

This competency is about creating new and imaginative approaches to work, demonstrating a willingness to question the way things are done, planning and delivering change. The ability to respond & adapt to changing circumstances and to manage, solve problems and provide solutions in a climate of ambiguity.

Scored questions

  1. Communicates a clear vision and rationale for change that others can buy into
  2. Acts as a role model in leading continuous improvement
  3. Will take personal responsibility to make things happen
  4. Champions a climate/culture where innovation is a core business value
  5. Talks confidently about the future even in situations of ambiguity/ uncertainty
  6. Recognises the validity of others’ view points and is prepared to modify own view

Free text question

  1. Can you provide examples of their behaviour, actions or performance that would support your responses in this area?

Qualitative Questions

Free text question

  1. In your view what are this persons key strengths?
  2. In your view what would this person need to stop doing to be a more effective in their role?
  3. What do you believe are this persons 3 key development needs?
  4. What other constructive feedback would you like to provide to this individual?

360 degree feedback offers a valuable method for developing executive leaders through a variety of different lenses. When done well, it not only enhances individual growth but also fosters an open culture where feedback is used constructively to empower individuals and drive organisational success.

To explore our fully managed Executive Leader 360 Feedback Questionnaire review service call 01252 737536

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