Example 360 Degree Feedback Report

Report Outputs and Options

Every element of a report is offered as a selectable option for organisations, allowing them to choose the information included. All data is produced during reviews, ensuring its availability. Consequently, you have the flexibility to customise the size of your report without any impact on cost. Please note this flexibility is only available on 360 Options and 360 Unique, and is not available if you choose our 360 Instant solutions.

Individual Report Summary

  • Introduction- can be edited using the ‘Custom Text’ feature
  • Reviewer group statistics (optional)
  • Summary scores by competence
  • Self-perception gap by competence (optional)
  • Strengths/development areas charts (optional)
  • Top/bottom scoring indicators (optional)
  • Positive and Negative Difference (optional)
  • High Potential Question Scores (Optional)
  • Detail scores – Indicator scores per competence (optional)
  • Review group tracker per competence (optional)
  • PAPU-NANU (optional)

Below we have provided a more detailed description and visual representation of the above.

Report Introduction

The Personal Report introductions for 360 Options and 360 Unique are completely customisable and multiple report introductions can be created so each questionnaire can have a default report introduction if you wished to have a variety of assessments.

The 360 Instant reports do not include the High Potential Question Scores section, as what would indicate high potential needs to be agreed with each client, as it will be different for most organisations.

Include Question Detail

This enables us to provide a detailed overview of each question, or only summary competence scores are shown in the report.

QuestionDetail Cooms 4 questions Example 360 Degree Feedback Report

TwoCompSummaryBar Example 360 Degree Feedback Report

Show Review Group Score Range

This adds additional lines to the competence and indicator diagrams for each question, showing the range between maximum and minimum scoring

QuestionDetail Diversity KeyHiPo Example 360 Degree Feedback Report

Reviewer Statistics in Personal Report

This will show a table of the number of reviewers in each review group whose reviews have contributed to this personal report.

Reviewer Statistics Example 360 Degree Feedback Report

Self-Perception Gap In Personal Report

The self-perception gap compares an individual’s self-ratings against the average of all the other groups at a competence theme level.

SelfPerceptionGap Example 360 Degree Feedback Report

Top and Bottom Questions

This will show the top and bottom scoring questions, as determined by their combined score. Also we can specify how many questions are shown.

TopScoresTable Example 360 Degree Feedback Report

BottomScoresTable Example 360 Degree Feedback Report

Positive Difference & Negative Difference

If we agree that it would be useful to average the executive teams review and the head of functions review and show each individual how their individual results compare to the average of their colleagues, then this will be added to their reports.

Positive Difference

The positive difference chart below shows those indicators where the biggest, positive difference was observed between your behaviour and the comparison data. If people where reviewed at another point in the future the comparison data could also represent your own ratings from a previous 360; in this case, these items could be viewed as being those that are most improved, or where your development efforts have had the biggest impact.

PositiveDifference Example 360 Degree Feedback Report

Negative Difference

The negative difference chart below shows those indicators where the biggest, negative difference was observed between your behaviour and the comparison data. In the future if people are reviewed again the comparison data could also represent your previous ratings, in this case, these items could be viewed as being those where a decline in performance has been seen.

NegativeDifference Example 360 Degree Feedback Report

High Potential Question Scores

During the creation of the 360 assessment questionnaire if desired we will work with you to explore if any of the agreed indicators would be a strong indicator of high potential, if an individual achieved a high score. If so then this can be displayed in the report as shown below.

HighPotentialTableChart Example 360 Degree Feedback Report

Strengths and Development Areas For Personal Report

The strengths and development areas chart is a spider diagram which compares an individual’s results against a standard which we agree. e.g. your own score or reference data that we agree, with you.

StrengthAndDevTableSpider Example 360 Degree Feedback Report

Spider Tracker

This table shows how the review groups have rated these indicators and you may see patterns and contrasts with and between the review groups.

SpiderTracker Diversity Example 360 Degree Feedback Report


This plots the individual’s results into Agreed Strengths, Development Areas, Good News and Hidden Talents therefore providing each individual with a clear developmental plan. Please note that we can change the name of this to something else e.g. Personal Development Plan etc.

PAPU NANU2Mk2 Example 360 Degree Feedback Report

Each of the four quadrants are then broken down by individual indicator. Below is an example of the developments in more detail.

PAPUNANU DevAreasTable Example 360 Degree Feedback Report

360 degree feedback offers a valuable method for developing employees through a variety of different lenses. When done well, it not only enhances individual growth but also fosters an open culture where feedback is used constructively to empower individuals and drive organisational success.

To discuss our reporting capabilities call us on 01252 737536

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