360 Options


If you already know which are the most important or relevant competencies you wish to get feedback on, or simply want a questionnaire as short as possible focusing only on specific competencies – then 360 Options is for you.

You choose the competencies you want to assess from across the generic competency framework and the more specific competencies we have developed.




After the 360-degree survey

Each person reviewed receives a report highlighting their strengths and pinpointing their development needs. This information feeds into their development plan where a blend of different interventions can be created to make the development right for that person.

The report also highlights what we call ‘good news’ (where others perceive an individual to have a strength far greater than that perceived by the individual him or herself) and ‘hidden talents’ (the strengths of an individual that the wider team have not witnessed).

And you can take this further by choosing to access more, in-depth reports looking across the organisation or specific teams and by inviting us to work with you to help grow your capabilities in certain areas by drawing on a range of development techniques.

What you get in summary

  • The quick roll-out of a customised 360-degree review process – get started quickly
  • Tailored review questionnaires – your selection of the competencies most relevant for the specific role
  • No up-front investment – simply pay as used
  • Hassle-free reviews – get started within minutes using an intuitive online system and let us sort out the IT
  • Job level differentiation – choose from four levels of job role to ensure competency relevance
  • Keeping you in the picture – throughout the process, the online system advises the reviewee how to manage their invitations and you get to choose who can access the results
  • Development-focused report – the person being reviewed receives a report highlighting areas of strength and those needing development

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