360 Feedback Facilitators Training

Developing: 360 Feedback Facilitators Training

Given that an individual is receiving sensitive information about how their colleagues, direct reports and manager view their performance, sensitivity is required. Best practice is to ensure that the people giving the feedback have the skills to support this process and to help interpret the results with that person.

The facilitator needs a good understanding of both the questionnaire and report. They also need an awareness of the range of reactions individuals can have to feedback, have high levels of the interpersonal skills required to conduct a feedback session and they need to be seen as trustworthy and credible.

Skilled facilitators will help the individual to draw out evidence and make connections across different people and situations. It is this process that stimulates self-awareness and makes 360 degree feedback such a powerful process. In cases where there is a more open organisational culture, the individual receiving the feedback might be encouraged to explore the meaning of the results with those providing the feedback. This can be invaluable in removing any ambiguity about the feedback as well as being a good starting point for subsequent development. It requires the support of a facilitator to ensure that the process is managed effectively and sensitively.

Lasting performance enhancement as a result of a performance appraisal or 360 degree review is only gained when the feedback is understood, accepted and acted upon by the recipient. The role of a feedback facilitator is central to achieving this through an unbiased, professional and unemotional interpretation of the feedback.

Essentially, the role of the 360 feedback facilitator is to help the individual to:
  • make sense of their feedback
  • understand what it means for them
  • navigate their way through the report, interpret the ratings, see patterns in the feedback and to put things into perspective
  • decide how they are going to respond to the feedback
  • identify development activities and conversations that they might need to have
360 Feedback Facilitator Training

Unlock the Power of Insightful Feedback with

Our 360 Feedback Facilitators Training Solutions

Empower your organisation by creating an in-house team proficient in delivering meaningful feedback on 360 reviews. Our specialised training equips a your team with the skills to provide constructive feedback, enhancing personal and professional growth within your company.

360 Feedback Facilitators Training Workshop Overview

The role of facilitator or coach is crucial in supporting the individual receiving feedback from 360 assessments enabling them to interpret the data so that they can understand it and use it to inform their own development. Research into 360° feedback has shown that the provision of quality feedback via a coach or facilitated session plays a crucial role in encouraging people to accept the results and initiate behavioural change.

This workshop is designed to prepare you to interpret individual reports to ensure that the highest standards of feedback are delivered to participants. The workshop will be highly practical, engaging and interactive.

We will explore the principles behind 360 competency assessment and focus on developing the facilitation and coaching skills required for effective 360 feedback. We will also introduce you to the 360 framework and explain the construction of the questionnaire. We will outline the steps involved in the 360 process and you will have the opportunity to work with colleagues and our facilitator to familiarise yourself with the report to ensure that you can analyse the report data confidently.

We will focus on practical facilitation and feedback skills development and you will have the opportunity to facilitate some feedback sessions. Working with colleagues you will take on the role of facilitator and of the 360 participant so that you can experience the 360 feedback through the eyes of both parties. We will review your approach and discuss your strengths and development areas.

By the end of the session you will be able to:

  • Understand the purpose of a 360 competency assessment
  • Describe the benefits of a 360 feedback report and session
  • Explain the steps involved in the 360 process
  • Identify ways of setting the scene and to start the feedback session
  • Be able to interpret the 360 feedback report
  • Deliver a 360 feedback report with confidence
  • Identify and apply the practical skills required of a feedback facilitator
  • Support participants to develop action plans based on feedback
  • Recognise and deal with emotions that may arise from participants

Keen to dive deeper? Reach out to us now to explore how we can assist you in building a trusted team of 360 feedback facilitators internally

To explore our 360 feedback facilitators training call 01252 737536

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